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Slot Review

Super Ace

Our Rating:

90.24% Gold star

Super Ace by TaDa Games
No, take me back

Visitor Rating:

0,00% No star

Times Played:

29 Times Played

Mladen Gyuzelski | Content Creator

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Quick Facts

Provider: ProviderThe Slot Provider is none other than the company who developed the slot. Simply click on the name of the provider to find our more about it!
Date Launched: Date LaunchedThe date when this slot game was launched. 19/08/2020
Theme: ThemeTheme is the general genre that the the slot could be classified as. One of the elements that makes slot games appealing, A nicely planned popular theme can potentially skyrocket the popularity of an online slot! Card Suits
Jackpot: JackpotA stand-alone or multi-leveled progressive prize pool that a player can win at a given time, simply by spinning the reels.
Special Symbols: Special SymbolsThe special symbols of a slot are part of its mechanic. Elements such as Wilds, Scatters and regular paying symbols come together to form winning combinations. Expanding, Multipliers, Scatters, Wilds

Review Summary

Super Ace is a captivating slot game that effortlessly blends entertainment and opportunity. From the moment you dive into this virtual gaming world, you're greeted by a thrilling combination of high-quality graphics, innovative features, and a user-friendly interface. The game's enticing 97% Return to Player (RTP) rate sets the stage for rewarding gameplay, promising players favorable odds over the long run. With expanding symbols, multipliers, scatter symbols, wilds, and the exhilarating avalanche feature, Super Ace keeps players on the edge of their seats, offering a dynamic and interactive experience that leaves no room for monotony. The flexible betting range caters to both cautious and daring players, making it accessible to a broad audience, and the tantalizing maximum win potential of ~150,000 adds an extra layer of excitement. Super Ace is more than just a slot game; it's a portal to a world of action, adventure, and substantial rewards, designed by a reputable game provider committed to delivering excellence in the gaming industry. Whether you're a casual gamer or a dedicated enthusiast, Super Ace offers an unforgettable journey through the world of online slots, ensuring that every spin is a chance to strike gold.

Slot Information

Return to Player (RTP): Return to Player (RTP)The Return to Player is a statistic that aims to show the player's edge over the casino - the higher this number is the better! We review all slots based on this RTP value so click on the percentage on the right to find our more slots with a similar RTP! 97%
Volatility/Variance: Volatility/VarianceVolatility or Variance is meant to describe the winning potential of a slot game: a high volatility will have you win big but no so often, while a low volatility will let you win frequently, but less. Low Medium
Progressive Slot: Progressive SlotA progressive slot is a slot that keep on growing its total possible winning pool; usually linked by a network of slots. It is also known as a jackpot.
Slot Type: Slot TypeSlots can be categorized as classic, 3D, video slots, etc. Click on the type of slot on the right to see similar types of slots! Video Slot
Rows: RowsPart of the design of the slot, the rows are the horizontal lines that trigger special features when certain paying symbols fall in place. 4
Reels: ReelsReels are the vertical lines that are build in the slots architecture; together with the rows they help trigger special winning combinations. 5
Paylines: PaylinesPaylines, or betting lines, are the pre-determined links of symbols across the rows and reels of a slot. A slot can have anywhere from just 1 payline or up to thousands paylines! 1024
Slot Layout: Slot LayoutThe layout of the slot is the way the slot is built, based on the number of rows, reels and paylines. 5 x 4

Slot Features

Minimum Bet: Minimum BetThe minimum accepted amount that will allow you to spin the reels of this slot game. $0.05
Maximum Bet: Maximum BetThe maximum accepted amount that will allow you to spin the reels of this slot game. $100
Maximum Win: Maximum WinThe total maximum amount that you could win triggering the biggest winning combo. $150000
Progressive Slot: Progressive SlotA progressive slot is a slot that keep on growing its total possible winning pool; usually linked by a network of slots. It is also known as a jackpot.
Avalanche / Tumbling Reels Feature: Avalanche / Tumbling Reels FeatureAvalanche or Tumbling Reels is a dynamic slot feature where winning symbols disappear, making way for new symbols to fall into place. With each consecutive win, the multiplier increases, offering players the chance for bigger payouts with every tumble.
Free Spins Feature: Free Spins FeatureFree spins are the most popular feature in online slots today. Usually they are not just a free spinning on the usual gameplay of the slot but are bundled into separate and more exciting feature with special effects and much greater winning potential.
Available: Android, IOS, Windows


  • High RTP
  • Diverse Features
  • Flexible Betting Range


  • Potential for Addiction
  • Luck-Based

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Super Ace Win

Super Ace Win

Super Ace Paytable

Super Ace Paytable

Super Ace Paytable 2

Super Ace Paytable 2

Super Ace Base Play

Super Ace Base Play

Expert’s Opinion


1209 Articles

Super Ace is undeniably an engaging slot game that offers an array of exciting features and the potential for rewarding gameplay. The high 97% Return to Player rate is an appealing aspect, ensuring that players have favorable odds for potential wins. The game's mobile-friendliness and visually appealing graphics make it accessible and visually pleasing for gaming on the go. The incorporation of various features such as expanding symbols, multipliers, and avalanche mechanics adds depth and excitement to each spin. The flexible betting range accommodates a broad spectrum of players, making it inclusive for both cautious and daring gamers. The tantalizing maximum win potential of ~150,000 provides an extra layer of anticipation. However, it's important to recognize that this is still a luck-based game with no guaranteed strategies for consistent wins. As with any slot game, it can be addictive, and players should exercise responsible gaming. Overall, Super Ace is a well-crafted slot game that offers an entertaining and potentially rewarding gaming experience for those who approach it with a sense of fun and responsibility.

9.02 /10 by Mladen Gyuzelski

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Super Ace Thumbnsail Small

Introducing Super Ace

Introducing Super Ace, the latest exhilarating creation by TaDa Gaming! In a world where gaming innovation knows no bounds, Super Ace takes the lead with its cutting-edge technology and immersive gameplay. Tada Gaming has spared no effort in crafting a gaming experience that pushes the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming industry. With stunning graphics, lightning-fast gameplay, and a captivating storyline, Super Ace is set to redefine the way we play and experience video games. Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with action, adventure, and excitement like never before. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of gaming, Super Ace promises to deliver an unforgettable experience that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Prepare to be amazed as Tada Gaming sets a new standard in gaming excellence with Super Ace!

Super Ace Volatility and RTP

The low to medium volatility of Super Ace is a key aspect of the game's design that contributes to a well-rounded player experience. Low to medium volatility means that players can anticipate a mix of different types of wins. On one hand, they will enjoy smaller, more frequent wins, which keeps the gameplay exciting and engaging. These smaller wins help sustain a player's bankroll and keep the action going. On the other hand, there's the potential for moderate-sized wins, which add an element of anticipation and thrill to the game. Players can occasionally hit these larger payouts, which can be quite satisfying and contribute to a more enjoyable gaming experience.

The Return to Player (RTP) rate of 97% is another noteworthy feature of Super Ace. This percentage indicates that the game is designed to offer favorable odds to players. On average, for every $100 wagered, players can expect to receive back $97 in winnings. While individual sessions can vary widely in terms of wins and losses, the higher RTP suggests that over the long run, players have a reasonable chance of seeing returns on their bets.

This combination of low to medium volatility and a solid RTP makes Super Ace an attractive choice for a broad spectrum of players. Whether you're a casual gamer seeking entertainment and frequent wins or a more experienced player looking for the thrill of occasional larger payouts, Super Ace offers a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience. It strikes a harmonious balance between risk and reward, making it a game that can cater to different player preferences and styles.

The Paytable of Super Ace

The Paytable of Super Ace is a testament to the meticulous design and exciting possibilities the game offers. This carefully crafted chart is a treasure trove of information for players, providing a detailed breakdown of the symbols and their respective payouts. Each symbol, from the low-value icons to the high-paying ones, is clearly outlined, allowing players to understand the hierarchy of winning combinations and the rewards they can expect. With vivid graphics and engaging animations, the Paytable brings the game's theme to life, making it not just a source of information, but an integral part of the overall gaming experience. Whether you're aiming for a royal flush or a thrilling combination, the Super Ace Paytable is your guide to uncovering the bountiful rewards that await in this exciting gaming adventure.

The Symbols of Super Ace

The symbols in Super Ace are a captivating array of poker-themed icons, each contributing to the game's immersive atmosphere and potential for thrilling winning combinations.

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 11

x5 = x 2.5

x4 = x 1.5

x3 = x 0.5

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 10

x5 = x 2

x4 = x 1.2

x3 = x 0.4

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 9

x5 = x 1.5

x4 = x 0.9

x3 = x 0.3

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 8

x5 = x 1

x4 = x 0.6

x3 = x 0.2

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 7

x5 = x 0.5

x4 = x 0.3

x3 = x 0.1

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 6

x5 = x 0.5

x4 = x 0.3

x3 = x 0.1

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 5

x5 = x 0.25

x4 = x 0.15

x3 = x 0.05

Mega Ace Paytable Symbol 4

x5 = x 0.25

x4 = x 0.15

x3 = x 0.05

Super Ace Features

Super Ace is a gaming marvel, renowned for its diverse array of features that elevate the gameplay to new heights of excitement and innovation. One of its standout features is the expanding symbols, which can turn a single symbol into a full-screen spectacle of matching icons, paving the way for generous rewards and heart-pounding anticipation. In addition to expanding symbols, Super Ace introduces multipliers that boost your winnings exponentially. These multipliers intensify the thrill of each spin, as they have the power to multiply your earnings with every lucky outcome, leading to massive payouts that can truly electrify your gaming experience. Scatter symbols are another remarkable facet of the game, acting as key triggers for bonus rounds and free spins. When these symbols appear, they unlock a world of possibilities, offering players a chance to explore hidden depths of the game's potential and increase their chances of winning big. But Super Ace doesn't stop there; it also boasts wild symbols that act as versatile jokers, substituting for other symbols to complete winning combinations and boost your chances of success. These wilds add an extra layer of excitement and strategy to every spin, making the game even more captivating. The avalanche feature is a unique addition, where symbols fall into place, one after the other, like cascading cards. This innovative mechanic can lead to a chain reaction of wins, with each avalanche increasing the multiplier, setting the stage for truly remarkable victories. Lastly, Super Ace offers an enticing Free Spins feature that can be triggered by landing the right combination of symbols. Free spins provide players with a fantastic opportunity to accumulate winnings without spending their own credits, making it an eagerly anticipated aspect of the game. Incorporating these elements of expanding symbols, multipliers, scatter symbols, wilds, avalanches, and free spins, Super Ace has forged an exhilarating gameplay experience that is both visually stunning and financially rewarding. These features combine to create a dynamic gaming adventure where every spin is filled with the potential for extraordinary wins, leaving players on the edge of their seats and eager for the next thrilling turn of the cards.

Feature Description
Expanding Symbols Symbols that can expand to fill the entire screen, creating substantial matching combinations and increasing potential rewards.
Multiplier A dynamic feature that multiplies your winnings, adding an extra layer of excitement and boosting the overall payout of your spin.
Scatter Symbols Key symbols that unlock bonus rounds and free spins, enhancing your chances of winning and revealing hidden depths of the game.
Wilds Versatile symbols that act as jokers, substituting for others to complete winning combinations and intensify your chances of success.
Avalanche A unique mechanic where symbols fall into place like cascading cards, potentially leading to chain reactions of wins and increasing multipliers.
Free Spins A rewarding feature that provides players with an opportunity to accumulate winnings without using their own credits, adding to the game's overall excitement.

Super Ace Mobile Compatibility

Mobile Slot Machine Icon

Super Ace has been designed with mobile compatibility in mind, ensuring that players can enjoy the game on a wide range of mobile devices. Whether you prefer to play on a smartphone or tablet, the game is optimized for both iOS and Android platforms. Its responsive design and intuitive user interface make navigating the game a seamless experience on mobile screens of various sizes. The touch-screen controls are user-friendly, allowing players to spin the reels, access paytables, and activate various features with ease. Super Ace's graphics and animations remain crisp and vibrant on mobile devices, preserving the game's visual appeal and immersive quality. Mobile compatibility ensures that players can enjoy Super Ace while on the go, whether it's during a commute, while waiting in line, or simply when relaxing at home. This adaptability to mobile devices makes Super Ace a flexible and accessible option for players looking to enjoy a thrilling gaming experience from the convenience of their handheld devices.

Helpful Questions for Super Ace by TaDa Gaming

Learn more and enhance your Super Ace experience with these helpful questions.

What is the RTP of the Super Ace?

96-97 RTP Range

The Return to Player (RTP) rate of Super Ace is set at an impressive 97%. This high RTP is a clear indication that the game is designed to provide players with favorable odds, ensuring that, on average, they can expect to receive back around 97% of their total wagers over an extended period of play. This generous RTP rate not only reflects the game's potential for substantial returns but also underscores its commitment to providing players with a fair and rewarding gaming experience. With an RTP of 97%, Super Ace stands out as an enticing choice for those seeking a blend of excitement and favorable odds in the world of online gaming.

What is the maximum win of Super Ace?

Maximum Win Icon

The maximum win potential in Super Ace is an exhilarating ~150,000. This figure represents the upper limit of the game's payout potential, promising players the chance to secure substantial winnings in the pursuit of their gaming adventures. With this enticing maximum win, Super Ace offers players the prospect of turning a single spin into a remarkable payday, adding an extra layer of anticipation and excitement to every play. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of online slots, the allure of a ~150,000 maximum win in Super Ace makes it an enticing and thrilling choice for those in search of extraordinary rewards in the world of online gaming.

What is the betting range applied at Super Ace?

Range Icon

The betting range in Super Ace is quite versatile, accommodating a wide spectrum of players with varying preferences and budgets. Players can place bets starting from as low as 0.05 and can go up to a maximum of 100. This broad range allows for both conservative players who prefer smaller bets and high rollers who seek more substantial wagering options. Whether you're looking for a leisurely gaming experience or the thrill of larger bets, Super Ace's flexible betting range ensures that players of all types can engage in the game and tailor their wagers to suit their individual playing style and financial comfort level.

Which game provider has created Super Ace?

TaDa Games Logo

Super Ace is the brainchild of a renowned game provider known for pushing the boundaries of gaming innovation and entertainment. With a track record of delivering exceptional and captivating gaming experiences, this provider has consistently impressed players worldwide. Their commitment to high-quality graphics, engaging gameplay, and innovative features has made them a respected name in the gaming industry. With Super Ace, this game provider once again demonstrates their expertise and dedication to delivering an extraordinary gaming experience that caters to both novice and seasoned players. The provider's commitment to excellence shines through in Super Ace, making it a game that's sure to leave players captivated and eager for more.

Is Super Ace mobile-friendly?

Mobile Casinos Icon

Yes, Super Ace is designed to be mobile-friendly. The game is optimized for mobile play, and it can be enjoyed on a wide range of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The user interface and controls are adapted for touch screens, making it easy for players to navigate and interact with the game on their mobile devices. Super Ace maintains its high-quality graphics and engaging features on mobile screens, ensuring that players can enjoy a seamless and immersive gaming experience while on the go. Whether you're playing on an iOS or Android device, Super Ace's mobile compatibility allows you to access the game conveniently from the palm of your hand, making it a versatile and accessible option for mobile gamers.

CasinoLandia's Conclusion on Super Ace

In conclusion, Super Ace stands out as a dynamic and captivating slot game that brings innovation, excitement, and accessibility to the world of online gaming. With its impressive Return to Player (RTP) rate of 97%, diverse features such as expanding symbols, multipliers, scatter symbols, wilds, and the unique avalanche mechanic, players are in for an exhilarating and rewarding experience. The flexible betting range accommodates a wide range of players, from the more cautious to the high rollers, while the enticing maximum win potential of ~150,000 adds an extra layer of thrill to every spin. Its mobile-friendly design ensures that players can enjoy the game on the go. Developed by a reputable game provider known for its commitment to excellence, Super Ace is a testament to their dedication to delivering exceptional gaming experiences. Whether you're new to the world of online slots or a seasoned player, Super Ace promises a captivating journey filled with action, excitement, and the potential for substantial rewards, making it a compelling choice for anyone seeking a remarkable gaming adventure.

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