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Slot Review

Golden Empire

Our Rating:

93.24% Gold star

Golden Empire by TaDa Games
No, take me back

Visitor Rating:

0,00% No star

Times Played:

7 Times Played

Mladen Gyuzelski | Content Creator

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Quick Facts

Provider: ProviderThe Slot Provider is none other than the company who developed the slot. Simply click on the name of the provider to find our more about it!
Date Launched: Date LaunchedThe date when this slot game was launched. 10/08/2021
Theme: ThemeTheme is the general genre that the the slot could be classified as. One of the elements that makes slot games appealing, A nicely planned popular theme can potentially skyrocket the popularity of an online slot! Fortune, Gold, Medusa
Jackpot: JackpotA stand-alone or multi-leveled progressive prize pool that a player can win at a given time, simply by spinning the reels.
Special Symbols: Special SymbolsThe special symbols of a slot are part of its mechanic. Elements such as Wilds, Scatters and regular paying symbols come together to form winning combinations. Scatters, Wilds

Review Summary

Golden Empire is a slot game that beckons players into a realm of opulence and adventure. This visually striking game is a testament to both artistry and entertainment, boasting a richly designed landscape filled with symbols that tell stories of wealth and extravagance. With a commendable RTP of 97%, Golden Empire promises players a fair chance to reap rewards as they spin the reels in anticipation. The game's low to medium volatility offers a balanced gameplay experience, ensuring that both casual players and high-stakes enthusiasts can find their place within its opulent setting. The array of features, including wilds, scatters, avalanche mechanics, free spins, auto-play, and the dynamic Megaways system, provides a wealth of opportunities to uncover hidden treasures and accumulate riches. Whether playing on a desktop or a mobile device, Golden Empire offers an accessible and thrilling experience, making it a compelling choice for anyone seeking an adventure in the world of online gaming.

Slot Information

Return to Player (RTP): Return to Player (RTP)The Return to Player is a statistic that aims to show the player's edge over the casino - the higher this number is the better! We review all slots based on this RTP value so click on the percentage on the right to find our more slots with a similar RTP! 97%
Volatility/Variance: Volatility/VarianceVolatility or Variance is meant to describe the winning potential of a slot game: a high volatility will have you win big but no so often, while a low volatility will let you win frequently, but less. Low Medium
Progressive Slot: Progressive SlotA progressive slot is a slot that keep on growing its total possible winning pool; usually linked by a network of slots. It is also known as a jackpot.
Slot Type: Slot TypeSlots can be categorized as classic, 3D, video slots, etc. Click on the type of slot on the right to see similar types of slots! Video Slot
Rows: RowsPart of the design of the slot, the rows are the horizontal lines that trigger special features when certain paying symbols fall in place.
Reels: ReelsReels are the vertical lines that are build in the slots architecture; together with the rows they help trigger special winning combinations. 6
Paylines: PaylinesPaylines, or betting lines, are the pre-determined links of symbols across the rows and reels of a slot. A slot can have anywhere from just 1 payline or up to thousands paylines! 32400
Slot Layout: Slot LayoutThe layout of the slot is the way the slot is built, based on the number of rows, reels and paylines. 5 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 5

Slot Features

Minimum Bet: Minimum BetThe minimum accepted amount that will allow you to spin the reels of this slot game. $0.1
Maximum Bet: Maximum BetThe maximum accepted amount that will allow you to spin the reels of this slot game. $100
Maximum Win: Maximum WinThe total maximum amount that you could win triggering the biggest winning combo. $200000
Progressive Slot: Progressive SlotA progressive slot is a slot that keep on growing its total possible winning pool; usually linked by a network of slots. It is also known as a jackpot.
Auto Play Feature: Auto Play FeatureAuto Play is a built-in function on the slot interface that enables automatic spinning of the slot without the player having to press the Spin button on every spin. Usually, the function can be preset to auto execute a certain number of spins like 20,50, 100, or more. Players can typically define their bet amount and set loss limits before starting Auto Play.
Avalanche / Tumbling Reels Feature: Avalanche / Tumbling Reels FeatureAvalanche or Tumbling Reels is a dynamic slot feature where winning symbols disappear, making way for new symbols to fall into place. With each consecutive win, the multiplier increases, offering players the chance for bigger payouts with every tumble.
Free Spins Feature: Free Spins FeatureFree spins are the most popular feature in online slots today. Usually they are not just a free spinning on the usual gameplay of the slot but are bundled into separate and more exciting feature with special effects and much greater winning potential.
Megaways Feature: Megaways FeatureMegaways Slots are slots that vary the number of paylines by changing randomly the number of reels during slot play. If successfully triggered the paylines could grow exponentially to over 100,000 and provide massive wins.
Available: Android, IOS, Windows


  • High RTP
  • Flexible Betting Range
  • Mobile Compatibility


  • Subject to Luck
  • Not Suitable for All Budgets

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Golden Empire Win

Golden Empire Win

Golden Empire homescreen

Golden Empire homescreen

Golden Empire Paytrable

Golden Empire Paytrable

Golden Empire Paytrable 2

Golden Empire Paytrable 2

Expert’s Opinion


1209 Articles

Golden Empire is undeniably an enticing slot game that showcases opulent visuals and a range of engaging features. Its high RTP and flexible betting range make it a solid choice for players seeking a fair chance of winning, regardless of their budget. The game's mobile compatibility is a bonus, allowing for convenient play on the go. However, it's important to remember that, like all slot games, success is primarily determined by luck, and the low to medium volatility may not appeal to those who prefer higher risks and rewards. While the potential for a significant maximum win of 200,000 adds a thrilling incentive, it's essential to approach the game with the understanding that, in the end, it's all a game of chance. Ultimately, Golden Empire provides an enjoyable and visually captivating gaming experience, but players should exercise caution and responsible gaming while seeking their fortune within its virtual kingdom.

9.32 /10 by Mladen Gyuzelski

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Golden Empire by Thumbnail Small

Introducing Golden Empire

Golden Empire, a gaming masterpiece crafted by TaDa Gaming, invites players into a realm of opulence and adventure. This immersive and visually stunning game transports gamers to a land where riches and treasures await, all set against a backdrop of grandeur and luxury. With its intricately designed graphics and engaging gameplay, Golden Empire promises a captivating experience filled with thrilling quests, challenges, and opportunities to amass untold wealth. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of online entertainment, Golden Empire promises to be a golden ticket to a gaming adventure like no other, where fortune and excitement are just a click away. Step into the Golden Empire and embark on a journey to unlock the treasures of a lifetime.

Golden Empire Volatility and RTP

Golden Empire's volatility and Return to Player (RTP) rate are crucial aspects that contribute to the gaming experience. With an RTP of 97%, this game offers an attractive proposition to players, indicating that it returns a substantial portion of wagers to them over time. This high RTP level signifies that Golden Empire is designed to provide players with a relatively favorable chance of winning, making it an appealing choice for those looking to maximize their gaming enjoyment and potentially secure significant wins.

In terms of volatility, Golden Empire is positioned in the low to medium volatility range. This means that the game strikes a balance between offering frequent but smaller wins and the occasional larger payout, catering to a broad spectrum of players. Low to medium volatility games typically provide a steady stream of excitement with manageable risk, making them suitable for both casual players seeking leisurely entertainment and more experienced players aiming for consistent returns.

 Golden Empire's combination of a 97% RTP and low-medium volatility ensures that it provides a thrilling gaming experience that's both rewarding and accessible for a wide range of players, offering the best of both worlds in the world of online gaming.

The Paytable of Golden Empire

The Paytable in Golden Empire serves as a treasure trove of information for players eager to explore the depths of this enchanting game. Rich with details, it meticulously outlines the value and significance of each symbol, providing players with insights into the potential rewards that await them on their quest for fortune. From opulent royal emblems to dazzling gemstones, the Paytable unveils the hierarchies of symbols and their corresponding payouts, empowering players to strategize and maximize their winning potential. This intricate roadmap is not just a source of information but a portal to understanding the game's intricacies, making it an indispensable tool for players looking to navigate the riches of Golden Empire with wisdom and precision. It encapsulates the essence of the game, where every symbol tells a story, and every spin can lead to triumph, making Golden Empire's Paytable an essential companion on the path to prosperity.

Golden Empire Paytrable Golden Empire Paytrable 2

The Symbols of Golden Empire

The symbols in Golden Empire are a visual feast, ranging from regal emblems to glittering jewels, each holding the promise of opulent rewards and adding an extra layer of excitement to the game.

x5 = x 9000

x4 = x 450

x3 = x 45

x2 = x 9

x5 = x 4500

x4 = x 270

x3 = x 27

x2 = x 6

x5 = x 900

x4 = x 180

x3 = x 21

x2 = x 6

x5 = x 900

x4 = x 180

x3 = x 21

x5 = x 270

x4 = x 90

x3 = x 12

x5 = x 270

x4 = x 90

x3 = x 12

x5 = x 180

x4 = x 54

x3 = x 6

x5 = x 180

x4 = x 54

x3 = x 6

x5 = x 45

x4 = x 18

x3 = x 3

x5 = x 45

x4 = x 18

x3 = x 3

Golden Empire Features

Golden Empire boasts a captivating array of features that elevate the gaming experience to new heights. Among these, the scatter symbol reigns supreme, acting as the key to unlock the game's hidden treasures. When the scatter symbol graces the reels, it ushers in a world of opportunities, triggering thrilling sequences of events that players eagerly anticipate. Wild symbols also make their presence felt, standing in as versatile substitutes to complete winning combinations and intensify the quest for riches. In Golden Empire, the avalanche feature is a mesmerizing spectacle, as symbols tumble down like a cascade of treasures. This mechanic provides players with multiple chances to win on a single spin, enhancing the thrill of the game. The promise of free spins is another enticing aspect, where players can unlock rounds of gameplay without wagering additional stakes, offering a tantalizing glimpse of potential rewards. For those seeking a more relaxed gaming experience, the auto-play feature is a welcome companion, allowing players to sit back and watch the reels spin automatically, creating an immersive and stress-free experience. Additionally, Golden Empire's Megaways mechanic, with its dynamic and ever-changing paylines, keeps the excitement levels high and the possibilities vast, making each spin a new adventure. With these exceptional features, Golden Empire offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience, where the pursuit of wealth is never dull, and the possibilities are as vast as the empire itself.

Feature Description
Scatter Symbol The key to unlocking hidden treasures in the game, triggering exciting sequences of events and potential rewards.
Wilds Versatile symbols that substitute for others, completing winning combinations and intensifying the quest for riches.
Avalanche An enthralling mechanic where symbols cascade down the reels, offering multiple opportunities to win on a single spin.
Free Spins Unlock rounds of gameplay without additional wagers, providing a chance to reap rewards without depleting your stake.
Auto Play A convenient feature that automates the spinning of the reels, allowing for a more relaxed and stress-free gaming experience.
Megaways A dynamic payline system that keeps the excitement levels high and the possibilities vast, ensuring every spin is a new adventure.

Golden Empire Mobile Compatibility

Mobile Slot Machine Icon

Golden Empire is designed with modern gamers in mind, offering excellent mobile compatibility. Whether you're using a smartphone or tablet, this game is optimized for a seamless and engaging experience on various mobile devices. The responsive design ensures that players can enjoy all the rich graphics, immersive features, and captivating gameplay, with no compromise in quality or performance. Golden Empire's mobile compatibility empowers players to embark on their quest for riches, anytime and anywhere, making it a convenient and thrilling gaming option for those on the go or those who prefer gaming on mobile platforms.

Helpful Questions for Fortune TREE by TaDa Gaming

Learn more and enhance your Golden Empire experience with these helpful questions.

What is the RTP of the Golden Empire?

96-97 RTP Range

The Return to Player (RTP) rate of “Happy Taxi” stands at an impressive 97%, making it a standout feature of the game. This high RTP indicates that, on average, for every $100 wagered, players can expect a return of $97 over time. The 97% RTP not only reflects the game's commitment to fairness but also offers a strong opportunity for players to achieve delightful wins as they traverse the city streets in their virtual taxi. It adds a layer of excitement and potential for rewarding experiences, making “Happy Taxi” a heartwarming and potentially lucrative journey that players are sure to enjoy.

What is the maximum win of Golden Empire?

Maximum Win Icon

The maximum win in Golden Empire is an impressive 200,000, making it an enticing prospect for players looking to strike it big and amass significant riches during their gaming journey. This potential jackpot provides an exciting incentive for players to explore the opulent world of Golden Empire in pursuit of this grand prize. The game's high maximum win adds an extra layer of thrill and anticipation to every spin, making it an attractive choice for those who dream of hitting the ultimate jackpot.

What is the betting range applied at Golden Empire?

Range Icon

In Golden Empire, the betting range caters to a wide spectrum of players, offering a minimum bet of 0.1 and a maximum bet of 100. This accommodating range allows both casual gamers and high rollers to enjoy the game while customizing their wagers according to their preferences and gaming strategies. Whether you're looking for a leisurely gaming experience or aiming to place larger bets in pursuit of greater rewards, the flexible betting range in Golden Empire ensures that players can find a comfortable stake that suits their style of play.

Which game provider has created Golden Empire?

TaDa Games Logo

In Golden Empire, the betting range caters to a wide spectrum of players, offering a minimum bet of 0.1 and a maximum bet of 100. This accommodating range allows both casual gamers and high rollers to enjoy the game while customizing their wagers according to their preferences and gaming strategies. Whether you're looking for a leisurely gaming experience or aiming to place larger bets in pursuit of greater rewards, the flexible betting range in Golden Empire ensures that players can find a comfortable stake that suits their style of play.

Is Golden Empire mobile-friendly?

Mobile Casinos Icon

Yes, Golden Empire is designed to be mobile-friendly. It's optimized for play on various mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The game's responsive design ensures that players can enjoy the same rich graphics, immersive features, and captivating gameplay on their mobile devices as they would on a desktop computer. This mobile compatibility makes Golden Empire a convenient and accessible gaming option for those who prefer to play on the go or from the comfort of their mobile devices, without sacrificing the quality of their gaming experience.

CasinoLandia's Conclusion on Golden Empire

In conclusion, Golden Empire is a captivating slot game that offers a luxurious and immersive gaming experience. With a high RTP rate of 97%, players can expect favorable returns on their wagers, adding an element of excitement to each spin. The game's low to medium volatility strikes a perfect balance between frequent, smaller wins and the potential for more substantial payouts, catering to a wide range of players. Golden Empire's rich array of features, including scatter symbols, wilds, avalanche mechanics, free spins, auto-play, and the dynamic Megaways system, ensures a diverse and engaging gameplay experience. Whether you're a casual player seeking entertainment or a seasoned gamer chasing significant rewards, Golden Empire's flexible betting range accommodates all. Its mobile-friendly design allows for gaming on the go, and the promise of a maximum win of 200,000 adds a thrilling incentive to the journey. Developed by Tada Gaming, this slot exemplifies their commitment to excellence, making Golden Empire an enticing choice for those in search of wealth and adventure in the world of online gaming.

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