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Glossary Term

A Tom

"A Tom" is a term often used in the gambling community to describe individuals who exhibit reluctance or frugality when it comes to tipping. This colloquial expression denotes someone who is notably stingy with their money, particularly when it comes to gratuities for casino staff. In contrast to a "George," who is known for their generosity, "A Toms" are characterized by their tendency to keep a tight grip on their finances, earning them a reputation as the antithesis of lavish tippers.

A Tom

Used In: Baccarat, Bingo, Blackjack, Craps, Poker, Roulette

Introduction to the Term “A Tom”

Amongst the gambling culture, various colloquial terms and expressions have emerged to describe different types of behaviors and personalities commonly encountered in gaming establishments. One such term is “A Tom,” which refers to a particular type of individual known for their reluctance to part with their money, especially when it comes to tipping. In contrast to a “George,” who is known for their generosity, an “A Tom” is characterized by their frugality and tendency to be a stingy tipper. This term encapsulates the perception of someone who keeps a tight grip on their finances, often likened to having “mothballs in their wallet.”

Origin and History

The exact origin of the term “A Tom” in the context of gambling is not precisely documented, but its usage likely stems from longstanding traditions and observations within gaming establishments. It may have emerged organically over time as a way for players and casino staff to describe individuals exhibiting certain behavioral traits related to tipping practices. The term “A Tom” likely gained traction through word-of-mouth within the gambling community, becoming a colloquial expression used to categorize individuals based on their tipping habits. While specific anecdotes or historical events may not be attributed to its inception, the term has become ingrained in the lexicon of gambling culture, reflecting the social dynamics and etiquette observed within casinos and other gaming venues.


Definition and Explanation of the Term “A Tom”

The term “A Tom” is a commonly used term in the gambling world that refers to an individual who exhibits a specific attitude towards tipping. In this context, the term describes a person who is particularly stingy or hesitant to tip, especially when compared to their peers. The term “A Tom” is derived from the metaphorical image of having “mothballs in their wallet,” which symbolizes a reluctance to spend money or provide gratuities.

A Tom is generally considered to be someone who is excessively frugal or tight-fisted, often choosing to conserve their funds rather than parting with them generously. This characterization goes beyond mere frugality and may imply a lack of social awareness or etiquette within the gambling environment. Such individuals may be perceived negatively by others who expect a certain level of generosity or tipping culture within the gambling community.

Understanding the concept of “A Tom” is essential for navigating social interactions and expectations within gambling establishments. Not only does it help one avoid being perceived as stingy or rude, but it also helps one navigate the complex social dynamics of the gambling world. By being aware of the expectations surrounding tipping, one can avoid social faux pas and maintain a positive reputation within the community.


Types of Toms

Individuals who are referred to as “Toms” in the gambling community can display different levels of stinginess and reluctance to tip. Although the central characteristic remains the same, there may be several subtypes or different manifestations of “Toms.” One subtype of “Tom” is known as the Extreme Penny-Pincher. This type is recognized for their extreme hesitance to spend any money beyond the minimum amount required for betting. They are often seen carefully monitoring their spending and giving tips as frugally as possible. The Selective Tipper is another subtype of “Tom.” This type may be willing to give tips, but only under specific circumstances or to certain individuals. They are particular about their generosity, basing their tipping decisions on factors such as perceived service quality or personal relationships. The Ignorant or Unaware Tom is the third type of “Tom.” This type may not necessarily intend to be stingy, but they may be unaware of tipping customs or social norms within the gambling setting. Due to a lack of awareness rather than deliberate behavior, they may appear to be tight-fisted.

Role of Tom in Gambling Etiquette

The presence of “Toms” in gambling environments plays a significant role in shaping social dynamics and etiquette. While tipping is not mandatory, it is customary and widely expected within the gambling community as a gesture of appreciation for services rendered. “Toms,” who are known for their reluctance to tip, may disrupt these customary practices and create tension or resentment among casino staff and fellow players.

Their behavior can impact the morale of casino employees who rely on tips as part of their income, potentially influencing the level of service provided. Additionally, the presence of “Toms” may affect the overall atmosphere within the casino, with their perceived stinginess contrasting sharply with the more generous tipping behavior of others.

Furthermore, the presence of “Toms” underscores the importance of understanding and adhering to tipping norms and etiquette within the gambling environment. While individuals have the right to manage their finances as they see fit, being aware of social expectations regarding tipping can contribute to a more harmonious and enjoyable gaming experience for all involved.

Examples of Tom in Gambling Scenarios

  • The Compulsive Card Counter: In a high-stakes blackjack tournament, a player named Alex is renowned for their exceptional card-counting skills. Despite consistently winning hands and accumulating significant winnings, Alex is notoriously frugal when it comes to tipping the dealer. Despite the dealer's polite and professional demeanor, Alex views tipping as an unnecessary expense and only begrudgingly leaves a minimal tip, much to the disappointment of the dealer and other players at the table.
  • The Poker Penny Pincher: In a weekly poker game among friends, one player stands out for their reluctance to contribute to the collective tip jar for the host and dealer. Despite enjoying the camaraderie and competitive spirit of the game, this player, known as Mike, always finds excuses to avoid contributing to the tip, citing financial constraints or questioning the necessity of tipping for a friendly game. Mike's behavior creates tension within the group and leads to discussions about the importance of respecting tipping customs, even in casual settings.
  • The Slot Machine Scrimper: At a bustling casino resort, a frequent visitor named Sarah spends hours playing her favorite slot machines. Despite regularly hitting small wins and enjoying complimentary drinks from the attentive waitstaff, Sarah is known for her reluctance to tip generously. Even when she hits a substantial jackpot, Sarah hesitates to share her winnings with the staff, opting to keep the majority for herself. Her frugality is noticed by the casino staff, who discreetly share their observations with each other, affecting their willingness to provide exceptional service to Sarah in the future.

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Gabriela Kirilova


Gabriela Kirilova | Content Specialist/Slot Expert

Gabriela Kirilova is a senior gaming analyst at CasinoLandia. If it looks like a slot, rings like a slot, or spins like a slot, then Gabriela will know about it. She is our Chief Slot Reviewer, and Analyzer.